"Why are pretty Black girls so rare?"
I was just randomly clicking on random pages and I came across page with the above question on it!!!! This really made me angry. The guy that posted this went on to saying how all black women are LOUD, AGGRESSIVE, ANNOYING AND THINK THEY ARE ALL THAT. Well for this guys information not all black women are like that. Im black it really make me so angry when I read stuff like this like not all black women are like that me being one of them. So don't go judging black women and thinking they ALL fit under the ugly "Black women" stereotype that society has developed.And then the comment on this page went on to saying that only mixed black girls or black girls with light skin are pretty so what happens to girls like me who are not mixed am I ugly because i'm Dark Skinned????This make me so angry like words cant express my anger at the moment. Its just sad to realise that society will never view me as pretty because my skin in dark.
Beautiful dark skinned girl
Beautiful dark skinned girl
Beautiful dark skinned girl
Ancille your a whole ot of sexy!!!! :) and at your ball your probably going to be the prettiest black girl IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD! You are pretty look at your fashion photos of you below \/\/\/\/