Saturday, 1 October 2011


Okay so todays post is on something that really annoys the living daylights out of me.


Everyone has money but some of us have less then others, and for those of us that aren't rich we try and make the best out of what we have and the rich well, they SPEND. Anyways back to the point. Im the type of person that if I see something I like whether it be $5 or $200 I will buy it. Not because its cheap or expensive but because I LOVE it. I cant stand people that spend their money on stuff because it is cheap.  Unless the clothing or whatever looks good your just waisting money. And people that buy stuff because its expensive well the same think applies to you too.

Im not saying its wrong to buy lots of things because they are on sale or to spoil yourself,  I'm just saying be a smart shopper and buy something because absolutely love it not because its cheap or your friends will be jealous but because you love it and because it looks good on you.

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