Sunday, 23 October 2011

Skin care products that I love

Do you ever have does days you know, days when you wake up and your skin is dry and just looks boring; days when you wake up with a big fat pimple which wasn't there yesterday; days when your skin is too oily; days when you wake up and it looks like you haven't slept in moths. I used to have these days ALL the time. I don't have pimples I've never had acne but I still get the accessional pimple or 2 and its bothers me, although this shouldn't bother me because there are some people with bad acne and then theres me with one pimple having a fit because I have a pimple.

One day I was angry with my skin I woke up and I had a massive pimple on my chin and my forehead was oily. I had finally had enough, so I went to Priceline and got myself a bunch of products which claimed they worked.

-Loreal paris perfect clean 
-Garnier roll-on
-Nair sensitive hair removal cream 
-Nivea by by spot night care
-Nivea firming body lotion 

These products worked like magic!! The Garnier roll-on reduced the size of the bags under my eyes dramatically and the Nivea Bye Bye spot night care made sure that I didn't wake up with an unexpected friend on my face.

Loreal paris perfect clean skin care just left my skin smoother and softer and so did the Nivea firming body lotion. 

These products worked for me and  now I don't wear make-up unless its a special occasion.

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